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Over Protocol- Blockchain

Blockchain soru ve cevaplar / Over Protocol  Quiz / Cevaplar

Bugün’ün 👇 Cevapları 

Cevaplar için tıklayınız



What is the role of synthesizing the Attester’s attestation and delivering it to the Proposer?

✓ Aggregator



Indicating what the validators see as the first block in the current epoch?

✓ Target



Which device environment are you on?

✓ I have a mobile device only



indicating what the validators see as the most recent justified block?

✓ Source


What are the two things the attester votes on during the validation?

✓ Source, Target


What is the status of a block that has been voted on by more than two-thirds of validators?

✓ Justified



Which refers to proposers creatisng a block and propagating it to the network when it is its trun?

✓ Proposal



Validating and voting on proposed blocks?

✓ Attestation



Validator performs three roles for each epoch. What are they?

✓ Proposer, Attester, Agrregator



How long should nodes be kept online to maximize uptime?

✓ As possible uptime?



what is the percentage of validators executing its role during a certain period of time?

✓ Uptime


What will be the topic of Ben’s session at BWB 2023?

✓  My computer is ATM



What do we call an account that proposes or attests blocks and is managed by a node operator?

✓  Validator


What is the term that refers to actual data, such as transaction details or account status, within a block?

✓ Block Body



What is the term for the metadata of a block, including hash value of previous block, Merkle root, timestamp, etc.?

✓ Block Header



What is the component of a Merkle tree that can verify the Witness as a value included in the block header?

✓ Merkle root



Which represents the absolute time in which a block is created?

✓ TimeStamp



Currently, overWallet’s point staking is fee-free.

✓ o



What do we call the evidence that a light node recevies from a full node to verify its account status?

✓ Witness



What do we call the time unit of 32 slots (6.4 minutes) , used for reward provision and proposer selestion?

✓ Epoch



What is the basic unit of time during which one block is proposed?

✓ Slot



How many times can you make additional reservations during the Staking reservation period (10/26-11/2)?

✓ As many as I want



What is the concept that a blockchain cannot achieve decentralization stability, and scalability all at once?

✓ Blockchain Trilemma



Which indicates whether the blockchain can defend against attacks that deliberately deceive users?

✓ Security



Diverse group of paticipants joining the network?

✓ Decentralization



Amongst blockchain’s challenges, which term refers to how many more Tx the blockchain can accomodate?

✓ Scalability



Where do you expect OVER to be used?

iki cevap işaretleyiniz

✓ Defi

✓ Payment



Which node, with a small storage, can verify the states of accounts with the help of other full nodes?

✓ Light Node



Which node holds the current state of the blockchain and can therefore validate new transactions?

✓ Full Node



Which node maintains the history of state changes of all blocks?

✓ Archive Node



What is the term for a continuous record that includes all transactions in the blockchain?

✓ History



What’s the term for overprotocol’s storage optimization that periodically invalidates data of low frequency?

✓ Ethanos



What refers to a client without a block state for verifing transactions at a small capacity?

✓ Stateless Client


What’s the term for the data structure that stores the state of accounts in the EVM based blockchain?

✓ State Trie



Which of the following data is not included in the account state?

✓ Transaction



What’s the term for a state that txs are verifed and included in blocks, and then is highly unlikely to change?

✓ Finalize



What is this that is a set of accounts and changes when a Tx is executed?

✓ State



How will the information of total assets owned by the account be displayed?

✓ Balance



What is this, which is the hash value of an empty string in EOA and smart contract code included in CA?

✓ Code Hash

EOA’daki boş bir dizenin ve CA’daki akıllı sözleşme kodunun karma değeri olan bu nedir?

✓ Kod Karması



What is the hash value of the Storage where the state data managed by the CA is stored

✓ Storage Hash

CA tarafından yönetilen durum verilerinin depolandığı Depolamanın karma değeri nedir?



What is THIS that records the number of transactions send by an account to prevent reuse of transactions?

✓ Nonce

Bilgisayar biliminde ve Bitcoin madenciliğinde kullanan bir değer olan nonce, “number used only once” ya da Türkçe ifadesiyle “sadece bir kez kullanılan sayı” ibaresinin kısaltmasıdır. Nonce, madencilerin blok ödülünü alabilmek amacıyla çözmeye çalıştığı 32 bitlik rastgele bir sayı dizisidir.



What THIS that produces a unique output of a specific lenght for an input?


Bir giriş için belirli bir uzunlukta benzersiz bir çıktı üreten, bu  nedir?




Where can you check information related to blockchain in real time, including block information, TX history, and wallet information?

✓ Blockchain Explorer

Blok bilgileri, TX geçmişi ve cüzdan bilgileri de dahil olmak üzere blockchain ile ilgili bilgileri gerçek zamanlı olarak nereden kontrol edebilirsiniz?

✓ Blockchain Gezgini



What is the name of transaction’s hash value used to identify the created transaction?

✓ TXID (Transaction ID)

Oluşturulan işlemi tanımlamak için kullanılan işlemin karma değerinin adı nedir?

✓ TXID (İşlem Kimliği)



what this that requires multiple signers to enter signatures for a message to be executed?

✓ Multi Signature

Bir mesajın yürütülmesi için birden fazla imzacının imza girmesini gerektiren şey nedir?

✓ Çoklu İmza



What type of account stores smart contract code?


Akıllı sözleşme kodunu ne tür hesap saklar?



Which of the following terms refers to a user’s account?


Aşağıdaki terimlerden hangisi bir kullanıcının hesabını ifade eder?




What do I need to create with a prive key to transfer coins in blockchain?

✓ Signature

Blockchain’de para aktarmak için özel anahtarla ne oluşturmam gerekiyor?

✓ İmza



In asymmetric key encryption, which term refers to the key used as your account?

✓ Public Key

Asimetrik anahtar şifrelemede hesabınız olarak kullanılan anahtarı ifade eden terim hangisidir?

✓ Genel anahtar



What is THIS that lowers the risk of hacking by generating and storing private keys on a separate device?

✓  Cold Storage

Özel anahtarları ayrı bir cihazda oluşturup saklayarak hacklenme riskini azaltan hangisidir?

✓  Soğuk Depo



What is ‘this’ that allows you to store tokens, but doesn’t directly own your private key and allows you to directly manage your own assets?

✓  Non custodial wallet

Tokenları saklamanıza izin veren ancak doğrudan özel anahtarınıza sahip olmayan ve kendi varlıklarınızı doğrudan yönetmenize olanak tanıyan ‘bu’ nedir?

✓  Saklanmayan cüzdan



Bir hesabın sahipliğini talep etmek için gerekli olan, blockchain kullanıcıları tarafından saklanan ve yönetilen, sızdırılmaması veya kaybolmaması gereken anahtara ne denir?

✓  Özel Anahtar

What do we call a key that is needed to claim ownership of an account, is stored and managed by blockchain users, and must not be leaked or lost?

✓  Private Key


Blok zincirinde kimlik bilgileri olmadan işlemleri mümkün kılmak için hangi şifreleme
teknolojisi kullanılır?

✓ Asimetrik kriptografi

What cryptographic technology is used to enable transactions without identity information on the blockchain?

✓ Asymmetric Cryptography


Kişisel bir hesabın adresini blockchain üzerinde temsil etmenin yaygın yolu nedir?

✓ Onaltılı sayı (0~9,a~f)

What is the common way to represent the address of a personal account on a blockchain?

✓ Hexadecimal number (0~9,a~f)


Blockchain’de oluşturulan toplam blok sayısı nedir? Genesis bloğunun bu değeri 0’dır.

✓  Blok Yüksekliği

What is the total number of blocks created in the blockchain? This of the genesis block is 0.

✓  Block Height


Belirli bir bloğun oluşturulması için geçen süreye ne denir?

✓ Blok Zamanı

What does this refer to as the time it takes for a certain block to be created?

✓ Block Time


Akıllı bir sözleşmeye yatırılan token değerinin toplamını ifade eden terim nedir?


What is the term reffering to the total sum of token value deposited in a smart contract?



Güvenliği güçlendirmek veya hizmetleri iyileştirmek için belirli bir miktarı kalıcı olarak silerek token arzını ayarlama süreci nedir?


What is the process of adjusting the supply of tokens by permanently deleting a certain amount to strengthen security or improve utilities?



Blok yürütme süresini belirli bir değerin altında sınırlamak için bir bloğun içerebileceği toplam
Gas Limit miktarını sınırlayan şey nedir?

Blok Gaz Limiti

What is this that limits the total amount of Gas Limit that can be contained in a block in order to limit the block execution time below a certain value?

Block Gas Limit